Thus far, winter has been officially snowless in Bowling Green as only a trace of snow has been measured on a few occasions. What is the historical likelihood of a snowless winter in Bowling Green?
Using snowfall records from 1932-1996 (snowfall stopped being officially recorded at BG when automated observing began in 1996), there were only 8 of 64 (or one of eight) winters that were snowless through January 31st. Seven of those eight winters eventually had some measurable snow in either February or March with only 1950 remaining snowless for the entire winter during this period. Therefore it is statistically likely that at least 0.1″ of snow will be measured over the next six weeks, although both storms this week appear to be mostly rain. It is interesting however, that several long-range forecasters have used the winter of 1949-50 as an analog for this winter, which just happens to be the only snowless winter in recorded history at Bowling Green.