Meteorology at WKU

The Department of Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences at Western Kentucky University is the leader in Meteorology and Climatology in the Mid-South. Here are a few reasons why…

1) WKU Meteorology is the original and largest meteorology program in Kentucky or Tennessee and meets American Meteorological Society (AMS) qualifications for the title “meteorologist” and Federal Civil Service requirements (GS-1340) for employment by the National Weather Service.

2) The B.S. Meteorology degree at WKU is the only meteorology program in Kentucky or Tennessee that enables TV broadcast meteorologists to immediately pursue the Certified Broadcast Meteorologist program of the American Meteorological Society upon graduation.

3) Around 90% of WKU Meteorology graduates since 2008 have found careers in Meteorology or have accepted assistantships to graduate programs in the Atmospheric Sciences. Our graduates are presently employed by the National Weather Service, state-level governmental agencies, television stations, and the private sector in meteorology.

4) WKU Meteorology boasts numerous clubs and facilities that allow students to engage in the meteorological community. The WKU Meteorology Club is the local chapter of the AMS/NWA for south-central Kentucky. White Squirrel Weather is an applied research, professional student service-learning initiative at Western Kentucky University comprised largely of students who have each devoted their efforts toward providing focus-based real-time observations and forecast weather content to the WKU campus and community for the purposes of hazards mitigation, and emergency preparedness and management. The Disaster Science Operations Center (DSOC) integrates critical decision support and disaster security access and opportunities across public, private, government, and academic sectors through student-centered experiential learning and applied research. The WKU Storm Team is an organization that allows future broadcast meteorologists to appear on camera to provide weather forecasts for the WKU local cable channel.

5) WKU is home to the Kentucky Mesonet, a high-density, meso-scale network of around 65 automated environmental monitoring stations. The continously updated, locally accurate climatological data will be available to the agricultural industry as well as decision makers who must respond to extreme weather events such as tornadoes, floods, or ice storms. Mesonet data can help teachers challenge their students in math and science through innovative and engaging activities.

6) WKU has also been home to the Kentucky Climate Center since 1978. The Kentucky Climate Center is the State Climate Office for Kentucky and home to the State Climatologist, Dr. Jerry Brotzge. The mission of the Kentucky Climate Center is to conduct research and disseminate information of climatic variability and change, influences of the natural environment upon human activity, and impacts of human activity upon the natural environment.

7) WKU has a large number of paid undergraduate research positions open, many of which are funded by the $20,000,000 National Science Foundation funded research grant in collaboration with the University of Kentucky and several other Kentucky Universities. The project will extend from 2024-2029 and will emphasize climate resilience through prediction and response systems. 

8 Responses to Meteorology at WKU

  1. james coates says:

    Thanks…most all my life I have been interested in weather and weather related things….over the years I have had several people to tell me that I should be a ‘weather man’. I currently work in radio and for a weather company…I produce weather for many radio stations every day. I would love info on how to further my education and learn about meteorology. Thanks and God bless.

  2. Austin Burkes says:

    Im 15 years old in the 10th grade and I am interested in a program in meteorology, but I am not quite sure of what college I want to enroll at when I graduate, please email me some information about your program. Thank You

    • Joseph G. says:

      @Austin Burkes. I am 16 years old, and in 10th grade as well. Iam also interested in meteorology. I visited the Meteorology Department at WKU over the fall break. I have to say, the program is not nearly as big as some of the other programs, but there are two MAJOR things that is keeping me interested.

      1. They have a TV weather group called the WKU STORM TEAM. They broadcast the weather on air through the campus TV station.
      2. You have a huge oppurtunity to get your name out there. Since they do not have a graduate school in meteorology, when the proffessors do research with students, it will be with ALL of the undergraduate students. Therefore, you get a unique oppurtunity to publish you research as an undergraduate, which is very uncommon, and, sometimes, you get to present that information across the country

    • jordan says:

      im 16 in 10th grade and i cant wait until i graduate high school

  3. Richard wimberly says:

    I am 17 years old and a senior in high school at Houston County High in Erin, Tennessee. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in weather. I met a student from WKU in the meteorology program at an Elite Weather Spotters class and he was telling me about the program, unfortunately I don’t remember his name? I really like the WKU school as a whole and would really love to be apart of that university and program but being from a single parent household can make that tough to do. Is there any way to help with the out of state tuition? Any scholarship ideas would be greatly appreciated also.

  4. Ann says:

    I’m looking for a gift for an incoming Meteorology student. Any suggestions for a gift that would be useful and something that you needed and had to buy or wished you had had? Thank you so much~

    • Gregory Goodrich says:

      When I went to college my parents got me an Indian Weather Rock as a gag gift. I would recommend any of the books by Tim Vasquez at The Extreme American Weather book or the Storm Chase handbook are popular. Some students enjoy having a weather station. has a wide variety of home weather stations. If the student wants something they can bring to campus there are a lot of different handheld weather stations (Kestrel is the best company). The RadarScope app ($10) is the top choice of radar apps. I can’t think of anything else an incoming student would need.

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