Please make sure you step outside for a bit today because it is nice! Right now we have a stationary front laying on top of us which will help that warm weather stay with us for the next couple of days. There are quit a few clouds in the sky right now, but the sun still has plenty of room to shine through!

There are still a few pop up showers that could make their way into the area. Temperatures today have skirted right around 70. This unfortunately is not something that will last as will be felt Friday. We will see rain chances increase into tonight and especially into tomorrow when thunderstorms are possible. With the rain this week do keep an eye on the potential for flash flooding. Tomorrow and Thursday seem the most likely for any flash flooding, so be careful and don’t drive into any high waters. Temperatures will hit a high around 70 again tomorrow and Thursday. A cold front on the surface will bring the forcing necessary for a thunderstorm. On the backside of that cold front will be chilly temperatures for Friday.

- Summary
- Tuesday:
- High: 71
- Low:60
- Precipitation: A few showers could still be seen especially going into later tonight.
- Wednesday:
- High:69
- Low:62
- Precipitation: Showers along with a chance for some storms
- Thursday:
- High:71
- Low:25
- Precipitation: Some showers with a better chance for storms. Keep an eye out for flash flooding!
- Tuesday:
Stay safe and have a good week everyone! Happy Weatherpersons Day to all my fellow meteorologist! Thank you to everyone (professors and professionals) who have helped us newbies get into and more comfortable with the field!!