Today in Weather History

Good morning, everyone! Are you ready for the weekend? We sure are!

On this day, in 1942, a state that we don’t hear much about, Hawaii, broke records in terms of precipitation. At Puu Kukui in Maui, Hawaii, a total of 107 inches of rainfall was recorded for the month of March alone. How insane is that? Mind you, this location reached an annual record of 578 inches just eight years later.

If you don’t know much about Hawaii (and I will be the first to admit that I don’t), another fun fact is that it once rained 331 days straight in Maunawili Ranch from 1939 to 1940. Below is a graphic that shows this, amongst other parts of Hawaii that experienced close to, but not surpassing, this amount of rain-filled days.

(Source: WRCC/GHCN-D)

Signing off! Have a great weekend!

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