Good afternoon everyone! This morning started off a little rough for some drivers as we had all that fog sitting over the area. Luckily by about 8:30 the majority of that fog had cleared out leaving a gorgeous, sunny day! Satellite imagery isn’t showing a lot over our are other than some clouds that are straggling behind the rain that is still hanging onto the east coast. A cold front is coming our way which will help keep temperatures comfortable for us.

There are some showers and storms in the west that will head our way, but they will not arrive until Thursday night into Friday. For now sit back and enjoy the sunny weather! There is the possibility that some areas in Kentucky could see 80° Thursday. Bowling Green looks to stay just below that as the rain tries to push its way into the area.
- Tuesday:
- High: 78
- Low: 46
- Wednesday:
- High: 78
- Low: 59
- Thursday:
- High: 79
- Low: 54
- Storms and showers will push into the area later at night towards Friday morning.
- Tuesday:
Have a fun, safe week everyone!