Happy Monday! 9/11

Happy Monday! Today is the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. One of the the most heroic stories I have ever read about was Orio Joseph Palmer story. He was a Battalion Chief of the New York City Fire Department who died while trying to reach civilians trapped inside the South Tower. Orio Palmer was one of the few firefighters that reached the 78th floor of the South Tower, the floor where the plane had struck the building before it collapsed. What is crazy is after taking an elevator to the 41st floor, Palmer climbed 37 flights of stairs with approximately 50 pounds of gear on. Can you imgaine! That is a real life hero to me, they still honor him to this day. Some fire departments do climbs like that on or around 9/11 to honor him. Let us take a look at the forecast ahead.

Monday: High of 88 with partly cloudy skies.

Monday Night: Low of 65 degrees with mostly clear skies with clouds moving in late.

Tuesday: Overcast with scattered showers throughout the day, high of around 72.

Tuesday Night: Clouds move out early for clear skies overnight, low of around 60 degrees.

Wednesday: Sunny, with a high of around 80 degrees.

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